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Guided implant surgery

Guided implant surgery

Computer-assisted implantology allows for painless and safe implant placement with maximum patient comfort and often without cuts of the gums. FREE SERVICE IN ŠkodaDENT!

All on 4

All on 4

All on 4 allows immediate fixed bridge supply in both jaws, immediate function
and aesthetics, while significantly lowering costs and healing time.

Quiz Orthodontics

Quiz Orthodontics

Fixed orthodontics or maybe removable? Lingual or transparent? Or perhaps Six Month Smiles … Which appliance is for you, find out in this simple quiz!

Lingual orthodontics

Lingual orthodontics

Lingual orthodontics is a fixed orthodontic appliance attached to the back (lingual) surface of the tooth. It is completely invisible and is suitable for anyone who wants to straighten the teeth in a completely discreet way.

Six Month Smiles

Six Month Smiles

The goal is to correct the teeth, most often without significant changes in the bite through a reasonable period of 4-9 months, and on average within just 6 months.

Inman Aligner

Inman Aligner

The new orthodontic appliance from UK – The Inman Aligner can now be ordered at ŠkodaDent clinic in Rijeka. This revolutionary concept corrects irregularities in the anterior teeth position in just a few weeks!

Sore gums

Sore gums

Gum and surrounding bone diseases (gingivitis and periodontitis) are the most common diseases among people…

Clear aligner

Clear aligner

Clear aligner is ideal for adult patients who want to get their teeth aligned without any visible wires and brackets.

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