Clear aligner is ideal for adult patients who want to get their teeth aligned without any visible wires and brackets.
In the last few years, clear aligners have become more frequently used instead of classic braces. Their effectiveness has been proved time and time again by millions of satisfied patients across the world, especially in the USA where it’s the most popular teeth aligning method. This kind of “invisible” braces are primarily for adults with just minor flaws in the alignment of their teeth. The process begins with an examination and a panoramic radiograph of the teeth. After that, photographs and impressions of the teeth are sent to be analyzed. The therapy plan is custom made for each individual patient and its length varies from case to case. Then a series of clear plastic aligners is produced. Each has to be worn for 2 or 3 weeks, and then replaced with the next one from the series. The teeth usually move 0,3 mm per aligner until they are set in the preferred place, predicted by the analysis.
The aligner should be worn 22 hours a day, that is, taken off only to eat and brush teeth. It is much more comfortable to wear than fixed braces with wires and brackets, and is completely invisible. Its forces are much smaller in comparison to fixed braces, so it’s not intended to correct bigger flaws. It is the ideal aesthetic solution for the front teeth area.

Clear aligner allows better oral hygiene in comparison to fixed braces, precisely because of its removability. There is no gum inflammation, frequent during the fixed braces therapy. The formation of cavities is also far less frequent. But if the patient takes it off too frequently, the results won’t be satisfactory. That is why the cooperation between the patient and the dentist is extremely important, as well as the patient’s awareness of the necessity of the constant braces wearing as the key to successful therapy.

Clear aligner – statistics

A research has been done among the patients who have been using the clear aligner for a period of 3 – 6 months.


78% of the examinees were women. Most patients (44%) were between 20 and 30 years of age. 83% of them got used to wearing the transparent teeth aligner in a week. 35% of them experienced no pain whatsoever, and 54% of them just mild pain while wearing it. This pain usually lasted 2 to 3 days after switching to the next aligner from the series. 46% of the patients experienced no speech difficulties. Most of them noticed absolutely no shrinking of the oral cavity space (76%), tongue or mucous membrane irritation (70%). Only 6% of the patients reported some irritation. 44% of them had hard time masticating, mostly because their teeth were sensitive to pressure or when bits of food got stuck between the temporary interdental gaps. Problems with jaw joints (jaw clicking and popping) were reported by 8% of the patients (who had those problems even before the use of the aligner). None of the patients experienced jaw joint pain. At the time of the research, 89% of the patients were extremely satisfied with the way their therapy was advancing.

Price of the clear aligner

Price of the clear aligner can vary from case to case, depending on the degree of the anomaly – in case of a more severe disorder, the patient needs a bigger number of aligners. In general, our prices are far lower than those in the dental practices of our European neighbors.

In the European Union, a clear aligner will cost from 3.000€ to 7.800€, depending on the difficulty of the case, whereas in the United States the prices range from 3.000$ to 9.000$.

In ŠkodaDENT (Rijeka), you can get a clear aligner at a price of 3,500 kn (470€), the average price of the aligner being about 11.500kn (1.500€). It can be paid by installment.

In this type of orthodontic therapy, the controls are reduced to a minimum, so it is not rare that patients come foe a clear aligner therapy from abroad. (Slovenia, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, UK …)

How much will my clear aligner cost?

Considering that the costs vary from patient to patient (depending on the case difficulty), it is necessary to make dental impressions that are sent for analysis (750 kn). The result gives us the number of the aligners necessary in a particular case, and only then we know the final price of the therapy. ŠkodaDENT practice offers a free check-up and consultations, where you can find out whether you are eligible for this type of therapy, and an approximate price. Patients who decide on clear aligner therapy don’t have to pay for the analysis, it is already in the final price. The therapy can be paid by monthly installment.

Benefit from our free consultations! Arrange an appointment today – +385 51 263 766 or click CONTACT in order to schedule a date, to see our business hours and map.

In addition to Clear Aligner in ŠkodaDENT you can find contemporary orthodontic systems:
Fill out a short questionnaire and find out which appliance can help You: QUIZ

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